It is to cut off the chain of hatred in the Middle East ...

Quit sending troops to the Middle East

It is to cut off the chain of hatred in the Middle East ... Protect the life! Middle East Stop send troops! ] Meeting of religious who have exceeded the sect seeking to have the day, was held in the National Assembly. Organizers of religious people net to create a peace. Ono Bun Nichiren teacher [parliament has was closing everything to hide (concealed) spreads out movement of citizens of "now what not escape". Religion who was also stated that tenaciously want to appeal]. About the dangers of the Middle East dispatch of the Self-Defense Forces, there was a report of using the image. Middle East dispatch of the Japan Communist Party of Tomoko Tamura vice chairman of the House of Councilors members will participate [Self-Defense Force does not want to admit absolutely. In order to change the government of this country of the United States Trump President compliant, let's join forces with us] and greetings. Especially obtained from the organizer, it was also reported on the latest status of finding a meeting alleged to see the cherry blossoms.